Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Tutti Designs/Hochanda TV

 I'm thrilled to be able to share samples I created for today's Hochanda Craft TV shows for Tutti Designs.  You can watch the shows any time for the next 60 days. 

front view
Message in a Bottle - Tutti-631
Twisted Rope Background - Tutti-632
Ship in a Bottle - Tutti-442
Scalloped Stitched Nesting Circles - Tutti-419

side view
Message in a Bottle - Tutti-631
Twisted Rope Background - Tutti-632
Ship in a Bottle - Tutti-442
Scalloped Stitched Nesting Circles - Tutti-419

Cat in a Garden - Tutti-526
Slimline Wobbly Frame - Tutti-685

Golf Bag - Tutti-117
Scalloped Stitched Nesting Circles - Tutti-419
Slimline Stitched Scalloped Rectangles - Tutti-681

Message in a Bottle - Tutti-631
Slimline Stitched Wobbly Frame - Tutti-685
Slimline Stitched Scalloped Rectangles - Tutti-681
Twisted Rope Background - Tutti-631

Kitty WIndow - Tutti-168
Slimline Stitched Scalloped Rectangles - Tutti-681
Slimline Hexagon Background - Tutti-677

Ship in a Bottle - Tutti-442
Fishing Net - Tutti-444
Slimline Stitched Wobbly Frame - Tutti-685

Golf Bag - Tutti-117
Slimline Stitched Scalloped Rectangles - Tutti-681
Slimline Stitched Wobbly Frames - Tutti-685
Slimline Gentlemens Background - Tutti-674
Amazing - Tutti-244

Seashell Lighthouse - Tutti-533
Fishing Net - Tutti-444
Scalloped Stitched Nesting Circles - Tutti-419
Best Wishes - Tutti-247

Kitty Window - Tutti-168
Best Wishes - 247

Message in a Bottle - Tutti-631
Cat in a Garden - Tutti-526
Scalloped Stitched Nesting Circles - Tutti-419

Seashell Lighthouse - Tutti-533
Kitty Window - Tutti-168

Seashell Lighthouse - Tutti-533
Ship in a Bottle - Tutti-442
Slimline Stitched Scalloped Rectangles - Tutti-681

Until next time.....

1 comment:

Shona Erlenborn said...

Great array of projects Anne! Congratulations on the show!